Kitchari is a mixture of rice and
mung beans, a staple food of India. Together these create a
balanced food, that is an excellent protein combination and is
Ayurvedically tridoshic. This complete food is easy to digest and
gives strength and vitality. It is basic to the Ayurvedic way of
Kitchari is low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol. It
is also a good source of Dietary Fiber and Folate, and a very good
source of Manganese.
Kitchari is an Indian dish and could be made with so many different
spices depending on the part of India that one would choose.
In this our dish, we chose brown basmati rice with mung beans which
are high in protein and easy to digest. Kitchari is used by
practitioners to soothe the stomach and intenstines.
We have made it tasty and palatable for most tastes.
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